This post is the continuation of the How the Sawtooth model works. If you haven’t read it, read it before

The Planning master-For industrial engineer
This site is all about planning in an organization. Material planning, production planning, KPI and lean
This post is the continuation of the How the Sawtooth model works. If you haven’t read it, read it before
Consignment is a significant inventory planning method. The idea is that the customer is paying for the goods only when it is consumed (or sold).
It is an excellent system for the client but also for the supplier that saves a lot of waste in the supply chain.
How to make a consignment agreement and why.
Kanban is a “magical” inventory management system. It requires no databases and no gadgets. Yet, it allows organizations with a lot of parts to manage them almost without much planning. It is very useful and I am recommending it every time it fits.
This post is all about the Kanban system, with examples and recipes on how to make it works.
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Sometimes the production is too complicated with too many steps to let us use conventional production planning. We will need an online tool that will prioritize the tasks instead of trying to plan and schedule the production.
Starting production with the right parameters with low scrap and almost no time consumption is important for production efficiency.
RFT=right first time
RFT is a challenging task for most production organizations that produces many products/parts.
Using SPC is a good way to solve problems regarding RFT.
How can we find the parameter that we can improve, out of hundreds of products and dozens of parameters that each product has in its spec?
Reducing cycle time is a very important advantage we can get in the market.
In order for us to reduce the cycle time, we got to understand what are the elements that the cycle time is made off.
In this post, we explore the way we can create a cycle time breakdown. We can then take every element and improve it.